Sunday, June 20, 2010


As I ran here this afternoon I was inundated with transitional thoughts that seemed to blend perfectly with the shifting terrain and landscape. The magnitude of rain that has fallen here on this Volcanic Wonder that is St. John the past 3 days has been spectacular, and as I ran a pairing of sorts occurred. Nature was carving out a path through the ravines and guts that we do not get to witness very often unless one goes out in the torrential downpours. In order for the rains to descend downward towards the Seas they must shift the earth and change its facade. I am feeling something evolve in me the last few months and know that I have big changes on my horizons both at my business and within. As I propelled my self up and down these hills on these roads for 8 miles today in the pouring rain I felt positioned to move in a different direction, just as the water all around me was doing, roaring at times and taking back the roads and trails that belong to her, not us. I had to change paths and footing, be keenly alert to traffic, and slow down some to stay focused and balanced both within and without. Always having to be aware of my surroundings in order to understand that this run today was different on so many levels.

I have been Self  Employed for nearly 35 years now and have already worked more hours than the average American does up to their retirement years and I promised myself something when I turned 50 over 4 years ago, that being I would slow it all down, and I did just that when I turned 50. I am semi-retired and work as little as possible. My business has suffered immensely because of that decision and my follow through on it, while simultaneously carving out a new direction for my life and my approach to it on a daily basis. Some forces are so strong, like tumultuous ravines flowing with rain water and carving out their path, that it is wise to just follow and listen than to fight and resist. Everyday when I run it becomes clearer and clearer what direction I need to take both in my training for foot races and my course in Life. One area is winding down and the other is just beginning. Becoming a stronger, wiser and intuitive endurance athlete is another goal I have set for myself and will begin to push myself harder and into other arenas of training and competing. I will be a better Father for it that is certain. Sharing wisdom as a parent is not always easy or well received but we do it nonetheless in hopes we can help our children along the rocky road of Life. Today being Fathers Day left me to ponder a lot. I am a Father and a Son and being such shows me just how much shifting occurs as time passes and Nature methodically carves its path.

In closing tonight I want to thank my friends and family for accepting me for who I am and the utter changeling that I am. Good Night.  Be Well and Run Free!