Tuesday, May 4, 2010


It comes in many forms, sometimes in the least expected arena, other times it is so in your face that it is literally impossible to ever forget. It forges the foundation for completion for many. It has a power unseen yet a force that beckons.  As I traverse these hills and trails here I am always in awe of the accomplishments of others in regards to running and life in general.  I ask myself how do they do that?  I am quickly answered. That is the most amazing thing I have learned to love about running. The answers that flow as easily as my legs that propel me. They do it because they have simply decided that to not do it would be selling themselves and sometimes others short. I have run for many reasons, including family members, other athletes, and the age old adage that in order to improve anything in life it takes work, hard work, hill work and trail runs, elevation that scare many and humidity that fights you the entire way. I run for the love of nature and the inspiration that a cascading ravine or flowering tree can provide. I am inspired, believe it or not, by the utter stupidity of the human race to think we can ever defy nature. As I run through the National Park here daily I am always reminded how insignificant we really are as a race and often think about what my surroundings will look like when we are gone, because we will be gone. Evolution of the species is something that will eventually take our roll out of the equation for sharing this earth. And since we do such an utterly disgraceful job in sharing it with other species our time will be shortened and our marks of civilizations will be forgotten. How dare us to hold this "Superiority Complex" over other living things, and by doing so it filters into our beings and politics and religions until we ask a "God" to do things for us at the expense of others. You see, there is balance in ALL things, I see it so clearly when I am running here, the beauty of an Island Paradise, that when the balance is upset we all pay and suffer and our time here as a species is thus shortened. Inspiration to overcome this idea that I am better than my Muslim or Gay peers, to use an example, simple undermines our ability to utilize the earth as a true home. When you disturb the balance of one, all suffer. "God Blesses America" at the expense of other races and cultures and for that there is zero redemption on the ecological and spiritual scales, both tipping way to far to one side.

As the oil slowly creeps towards the shore line we are reminded of the upset in the balance of nature. Lust for the power that drives this laptop, or the car that I drive has given way to the worst oil disaster on record. Funny that we have survived tens of thousands of years without the oil, but now we are addicted, and in doing so once again have upset the Eco system and hence shortened our time as a species here. With the passing of my Brother 2 months ago I have used the term "All things must pass" on a number of occasions and must do so again. We are our own worse enemy, not terrorism, not flooding, not counter cultural thought, not oil spills, not political dissent, and surely not  "unamerican" thoughts. No we are doomed because we have the worst disease any society can manifest, as most disease is self inflicted, that being "Superiority Complex" and as this cancerous form of thought permeates society, we are reduced to a constant state of sorrow and turmoil. We have a handful of generations to reverse this horrid plague or we will soon be gone for good. Laws were made to be broken, but solemn truths are embedded in the nature and survival mechanisms of our DNA.  Either we peel the onion now or say goodbye.

The nature of a run is just that, nature. Running in literally programmed into our DNA, and by doing such we can connect with our ancients and understand and respect nature in general and in its purest form. When we run we are stripped down to primal forms and forces of nature, communing and accepting our surroundings for what they are, not what we want them to be. Wow, what a concept, accepting things as they are. A simple truth as far as nature goes but oh so hard to follow for a society that is out of control trying to change the rest of the world, yet ignoring our own short comings. A familiar human battle that each of us toil over for sure, but when governments start to oppress at the expense of others we take a few more years off out time here. Be it 2012, as the doomsayers say or 3150, it doesn't really matter, because the way in which we are killing ourselves is so avoidable, yet so far out of reach. Do we have inspiration to take back our earth from the corporations and politicians? Of course we do, but it remains to be seen if that alone is enough. As the dominant life form here we have a responsibility to all the other species and our selves to become better stewards of Planet Earth. I am going to run once again in the morning and in doing so I will be reminded of what future generations will be missing as we slowly destroy our fragile ecosystem. I will also be reminded that renewal is also Natures way,  so it is up to us. A simple choice starts the process, then action must follow. Little things do matter, as they set examples and are sometimes influential on others.

I am following a fellow runner who is running from Amsterdam to Barcelona, the equivalent of 50 marathons in 56 days. He is my human inspiration for the next few months and beyond of course. My spiritual inspiration lays in the ancient rock formations and ravines I will traverse in the morning as my legs drive me across this ancient volcanic island that was here long before man arrived and will be here long after we are gone. Be Well