Monday, January 26, 2009


Last Tuesday was of course a most excellent and historical day. I cut out of work for a few hours, hey I'm the boss and I can do that, to watch the transfer of political power to the most articulate politician of our modern time. 23 months had past since Barack announced his candidacy and 4 1/2 years have past for me waiting for that magical moment in front of the Lincoln Memorial. When Barack delivered his Keynote speech at the '04' democratic convention I was simply stunned! I knew right then and there that the democratic party had found their voice. Much Much to late to replace him for John Kerry, who has the personality of dried liver, and much to late to unseat W. The country was ready for a change in 04, but the wrong candidate was put up. And so we spiraled out of control as a nation and lost the respect of the world at large. W's decisions are a prime example how one persons choices affect the overall balance of the world! And oh did he affect! Don't get me started.

So elated this day I was that I adorned my self with 6 Blue and White balloons in the middle of a warm tropical day and took a victory lap, well much longer than a lap, and headed up the North Shore to that old familiar haunt of runners paradise. I ran to Easter Rock for Barack. I really looked quite silly but 4 balloons were for the 4 years I waited and the other 2 each represented a term he will hold. I believe he will be the most loved and proficient president since JFK and re-establish the good will that W and his gang of cronies systematically destroyed. Seeing Cheney in a wheel chair at the ceremonies was symbolic nirvana! As I ran I could not help smiling and relishing the moment. Running can intensify things in ones life. It was a brisk run but ever so easy as the wind felt especially cleansing and my leg just flowed and guided me to a new beginning in the modern history of our world.

Having a President that is into physical fitness as seriously as Barack is, also sends a message to our youth and the populous at large. Fit in mind and body, strong in will and resolve, ready and willing to walk the talk, and to be an example to all classes and cultures. I may not be the Barack Obama of running, but I am striving for a cabinet position in 2012. My journey as a runner is in its infancy, and as Barack heals our nation I too will master the hills and valleys that I embark on daily. That old cliche "A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step" could not have greater meaning.

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