Friday, June 26, 2009


The age old debate, street smarts verses book smarts. As I stare at a 2 ft. high stack of running books as I write this , I can only ponder what the information enclosed within their covers has and will do for my running. I have learned from them and at times have obsessed over them. Today I was clearly reminded about street smarts from my 8 year old son. His foray into street vending in front of my store and his dedication and enthusiasm for his stand is inherent and can not be taught in books. Anything in life, be it running or street vending or the multitudes of other activities we choose to involve ourselves in can not and will not serve a useful and positive purpose without passion. As runners we are constantly reminded that without passion what we do becomes real work. Once the joy of running fades we are left with very little to keep us going. It is like running with very heavy boots, we move forward but it is not with the grace and agility our passion provides for us.

Being self employed over 30 years now has taught me a simple truth. Love what you do and you are doing what you love. Luca, my son, exemplifies that as I watch him set up, sell, tear down and do all the little things involved in running a business. He is astute and attentive, and also rewards himself and his friends with ice cream and slush puppies towards the end of his day. That natural rhythm of work hard and reward is the cornerstone of any success and kids seem to know it without the 2 ft. high stack of books. What is it that you really love to do? Then do it after your run. A self congratulatory approach to your accomplishments is as much a part of your training as the long runs and the daily workouts. Rest too is actually training. What a great sport, we are actually training when we are resting and in my case eating pasta and pizza! Talk about the best of both worlds.

Runners are a clan that will persist through almost anything to get their runs in. For example I will be running tomorrow afternoon, in the middle of the day, in 88 degree heat with high humidity on hills! Why you might ask. I only have control over which time of day I run, not the elements or the terrain. St. john is volcanic, thus the hills and it is summer time. I cannot run until 2 pm because of family commitments. So I will run, and It will be hot, but I will pace my self and let the passion provide the foundation for the run. There is very little that will keep me from running tomorrow. I have geared myself up and mentally prepared for a tough, hot mid day run. Knowing ahead of time why you are running and where and how long or far gives the mind and body an alert, thus making it feel easier. I have said before always know why you are doing a run and what you are expecting from it in terms of training. I have identified my next Marathon in early October so my training now begins to shift towards that goal. As much as I loved running my first Marathon in Portland last fall, I do not want the same outcome or experience. I must train with that in mind if I am to alter my result. My respect for the 26.2 mile distance is immense. No amount of book smarts could equal the knowledge gained during that run last fall.

Perhaps street smarts mean so much to me because of my inner city upbringing and the survival mode you must go on at times to get by. Instinct is essential for all types of survival and running and marathoning are no different. Listen very closely to your thoughts while you are out on the trails and roads and you will know what works best for you. The 2 ft stack of books will always be their to assist you but your gut and your heart will always lead you best. Be Well and enjoy the summer runs and race season!

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