Wednesday, March 17, 2010


They are as varied as the different bodies that roam our planet. They consume some and kill others. They define us in a global culture that seeks norms over distinct and unorthodox forms of thinking. They label us and place us in little boxes so we can be categorized and dissected by those who disagree with the way we choose to live. The masses follow the almighty corporations that have poisoned our food supply and perpetuated the biggest hoax society has ever fallen for, that being our utter dependence on pharmaceutical drugs to stay alive. Out of sight out of mind. The vanity factor plays so heavily here. If we could see what these foods and drugs do to out internal organs we would never induce them into out bodies. Being obsessed with vanity and how we are perceived greatly outweighs anything happening internally to what some deem "The temple to our soul". The signs of a failed approach to well being are everywhere. Just go to Wallmart and McDonalds and I rest my case. Our children are developing adult diseases at alarmingly younger ages and the adults wait for Big Pharma to create the next magic pill. Cause and effect is a simple science and ANY pharmaceutical you put into your body plays heavily on your overall balance and in a lot of cases does far more harm than good in the long run.

What does this have to do with running you might ask? Well this is my blog so I will ramble at will as I please and see fit, but beyond that everything. Running is capable of producing a dramatic change in one's approach and thinking and since it is initially a health related reason most people begin to run, they begin to see through the ever so subtle veil of corporate brainwashing and programing. Runners begin to change all forms of habits that have accompanied them in becoming clones in the supermarket lines and the prescription centers that are now everywhere. They obtain clarity as they run. There is a sound and systematic reason why there is a Wallgreens, a McDonalds and a Wallmart in virtually every sector of American society. Running slowly starts to improve  physical health while simultaneously unlocking basic human instincts that have been overshadowed by a lifetime onslaught of corporate programing. We ALL drink the cool aid when we sit in front of Television whether we agree with the product or not. When children are exposed to all this it then becomes literally life threatening. I challenge anyone to begin running and then tell me they do not start to make drastic changes to other aspects of their lives. The Magic pill is in the form of a belief system, one simply known as running. The side effects are many and the results so dramatic that the runner begins to peel the onion and understand that in this simplest form of human propulsion lies the answers to a lot of dilemmas that often plague our bodies and our Psyche.

My Brothers Belief was that of a Buddhist. He passed away last week and as I am sorting through his personal belongings and the garbage in my own mind that comes up in times like these I am reminded of how different we all are if we choose to be our own person. He touched many lives with the simplicity and kindness that he evoked in his day to day living, and that was his legacy. We were very different in many ways, but in some identical and that is what brothers ofttimes are. There are many reasons for his passing but in the long run he lived life his way. His process is now complete for this world according to what he believed. A sound belief goes a long way for many and in his case that rings true.

Running is a belief system in itself. A system that motivates and encourages people to go beyond what they thought they could ever do. I need to peel another layer so off I go into the Florida morning to see what comes my way as I run. I know one thing for certain . "I am a Runner"   Thanx and Be Well

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